
Pappa + Water = Pure Glee

Pappa arrived on Sunday night for 8 days of non-stop fun! Dude and his rad Pappa spent the day together on Monday while Mom and Dad worked. That was plenty of time for the two dudes to get acquainted - both were exhausted by nightfall. Pappa and his lifelong best friend, Bruce, spent Tuesday playing 2 hours of racquetball, an hour of one-on-one basketball and then a few hours whining about how sore and pooped their 59 year old bodies were. Today we let duder show off his aquatic skills to Pappa. Fun was had. A whole lot of it.
Tonight Nanna arrives in the midst of the latest random blizzard. More fun is on the docket, so don't you worry. We'll keep you updated!


Cara S. said...

That's what grandpas are good for...going in all the fountains and things that absolutely get you soaked!