Let me introduce to you dude's new found, most favorite friend. He's roughly 12 inches tall, has two unporportunately large ears, a black button nose and answers to the name "Mickey." About a week ago, duder found this small friend in the toy box upstairs and quickly decided to incorporate him into our daily activities. Mickey has to walk down each stair with us. He has to hold the fork at meal time. He has to sit next to us us in the car seat and in our stroller so he can see out. He gets his own tree swing and is pushed back and forth. His white, balloon-like hands close doors, put legos together and push balls down our ball game. He is also kissed a few times per day by his master (dude) and unfortunately by me too so as to avoid a fight if I say "no."
At the park the other day Dude stood at the base of the stairs and started yelling "Hi goooools" (girls) to the 10 year olds at the top. They asked him what his name was, to which he replied, "Mickey Mouse." They said, No, what's YOUR name?" This time he yelled, as loudly and clearly as his little voice box could muster, "MICKEY MOUSE!" Today we found Mickey Mouse in the sandbox, wet and covered in grossness. He's currently residing in the sink until dude realizes his best friend is out of commission.
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