
T-Ball, Yaeger Shots, Flames & NBA Playoffs

How often do you combine all those elements in one weekend? Last weekend was a hodgepodge of activity (much of it was quality Tim n' me time for a change!) Which is fine with the dude since his babysitters Kat and Oma and Opa were WAY funner than us. Tim's company just opened a new hotel, a Loft, so we spent our Friday night kickin' it in Broomfield. Pretty sweet place if you live in Colorado and want to check it out. His work also gave us tickets to the Nuggets playoff game on Sunday. Yet another hot date for the two of us. Can't complain!


Mud said...

It's a Jager shot! And this from the person who taught me to pronounce DeJong!

They are gross, though.

Such fun pics, and Rylan continues to be ADORABLE (you and Tim, too!)
