
"Karen's" Denver Experience

My cousin Erin and I grew up seeing each other a few times a year and giggling a whole lot with each visit. Her quiet nature and my not-so-quiet-and-often-obnoxious nature clicked. There were 3 of us the same age, but our counterpart Sarah lived in CA, so we had to settle for a dynamic duo most of the time. Once our college years hit, we didn't see much of each other. Time does that I guess. I ran into her on Michigan Ave downtown Chicago 4 years ago and that was really the last time we spent more than 2 minutes face to face. Until last weekend! We met up on the social networking phenomenon site, Facebook, and she booked a flight without any hesitation. Brave girl!
We spent 3 full days enjoying what Colorado has to offer...Daniel's Park overlooking the mountains, bonding with neighbors and exposing her to the chaos that is life with children, spa services up in breathtaking Evergreen, Red Rocks Amphitheatre, shopping in quaint downtown Littleton, the blessing of teaching Sunday school and even a baby shower for Abby (no she didn't know her, but bless her for being a trooper). She got a whole lot of QT with dude. Half the time he called her Erin and the other half was Karen for some reason or another. He adored her and put on a show the entire weekend. I'm pretty sure she was totally exhausted by the time she left Monday morning. Probably still sleeping actually.
Thanks for coming out Er! It was great hosting you - let's not wait 10 more years to do it again.

Red Rocks on a clear, 65 degree day.
Tallgrass Spa in Evergreen. Aveda heaven.

Happy feet.

Abs on shower day. Baby boy due any time now!