
Conclusion of Nana Week

There's been way too much happening to keep this blog in chronological order.  And so we back track to Nana love.  We were blessed with 70 degree temps her entire visit, so we took the little monkeys up to a nature center and hiking trail for an afternoon.  It's amazing how clean the air is up in the mountains.  It makes you wanna just breathe deep breaths.  My mom and I took it all in.  And the kids tackled big mountain boulders and climbed and explored and hiked and laughed and got muddy.  My Dude has apparently gotten over his fear of climbing because he was all over the place and kept muttering under his breath, "Just be careful.  Do not trip.  You are a reventurer." 

Mom took Dude on a field trip to the Nature and Science Museum for a day, we celebrated Dude's birthday early with his sleeping bag present from Nana and Papa (he lived in it for 2 days straight), Tim and I got a date night out with Lance and Katie, we shopped....we kinda love Nana time.  Thanks for spoiling us Nana.  Miss you much!