
A Whole Hand Old

Oh our little Dude.  How did he grow to be an entire hand old already?  It was two seconds ago that he had no hair and scooted around doing his army crawl and saying "ball" over and over and over.  Now he's sounding out words, outsmarting his mother more often than I care to admit, getting ready to start Kindergarten and acting quite like a 5 year old boy.  Our five year old boy.  There's no other Dude like you buddy and we thank God day after day after day that we've been given the privilege to raise you and watch you blossom into the little man you are.  We love you Duder.  Everything about you.  Happy 5th Birthday!!!!!  (more birthday fun to come, but here's a sampling of the evolution of the Dude).   


Cara S. said...

Happy Birthday Dude!

Sweet Home Colorado said...

Love seeing the old baby pictures! What a cutie, then, and now! Happy Birthday Rylan!