
B&B's Backyard Bliss

We love hangin' at family friend's, Bruce and Barb's, backyard.  For many reasons.  But in the summer, we especially adore the masterpieces that are their gardens, flower pots and perfectly manicured, bright Kelly green grass.  Bruce is often referred to as "Marty Stewart," a name he should be proud to own.  He's a  manly dude if I ever met one, but he knows his stuff when it comes to decorating and making things look real perty.  Sorry Bruce.  Barbie is much the same (not the manly part) and together they create quite the beautiful scenic backdrop.

We take advantage and take family pics there every year, so below are this summer's photographic results.  And a sampling of the flowers that spoke to me that night.

 You wouldn't guess they're a day over 50 would ya?  Oh, they are.  

 Decent shot eh?  I thought so.  Dude isn't karate chopping, so that's somethin.  Then of course there's the beauty below.  Much more stereotypical of our children.  


B&B's flower friends....