
June Happs

I finally downloaded my shots from Dude's trip to the zoo with Principal Ryan.  It was pretty sweet, even from an adult perspective.  I was worried he might melt, literally, in the 92 degree temps, but the battery operated spray fan I allowed him to purchase for a ridiculous $13 came to the rescue.  He had an awesome day.  Principal Ryan and her teacher helper looked like THEY might melt by the time they arrived back at school, but the kids were still kickin.  

One of the lights that was revealed after dude's accident was the overwhelming love and support we felt from our friends and neighbors.  Kids we don't even know from our hood dropped off hand made cards and treats.  I got flowers and steak (yes, we really got steak).  The kids got legos and stuffed animals and donuts. Our sweet across the street friend, Becky, gifted Squirt with this charming little tutu, heart wings and headdress.  Get outta here.  Dude got the priceless cape below.  Notice what she stitched into it.  I might have cried.

Smoothie mornings are the very best.

Slip n slide days are also the very best.  Especially when our old neighbor besties come back to see us.

My high school bud, Anne, and I set up a booth downtown Littleton at an antique shop.  We displayed our handiwork.  Would have been nice if there was some traffic to potentially buy our stuff, but it looked cute regardless.  And we had  a lot of time to catch up.

I found this treasure of a chest at an antique fair for $40.  I'm not so secretly in love with it, so I priced it stupid high and told Tim if it didn't sell I would just have to keep it.  It didn't sell:)