
A Saturday Experiment

Below is an example of an average Saturday at Casa Vogel.  If Dude wakes up with an experiment idea, it must come to be, in some shape or form.  This particular experiment went a little something like this....

"Mom, I need to make a magic potion that makes Enzo listen to me.  We will put it in his brain through helmet powers."  I had to give myself a minute to consider the viability of this request, but he convinced me that it could be done.  So we went to work.  Enzo was oblivious to his role in this activity.

 We mixed water, green food coloring, sugar and coconut.

 Magic dust (flaxseed) came next.  This would also allow Enzo to poop.

 Our potion sat under the light, because light was required to make it magic, for 10 minutes.

 The potion was poured into a bag and we cut a hole in the corner in order to shower Dude's bike helmet with the magic.  Do you see the look of pure anticipation on his face?  Enzo began expressing his interest at this point, which only added to the excitement of it all.

 Now that the helmet was given magic powers, it was time for Enzo to be gifted with the power to listen to his young master.  He managed to keep said helmet on for about 30 seconds....

...which was just enough to make Enzo follow young master when he ran around the yard.  That was sufficient evidence that the potion worked.  Our little man is easy to convince and easy to please.  It was helpful that Enzo pooped at that point too, meaning the flax seed did its job.

Dude's creative left brain requires extra time and effort on the part of his parents, but the joy that comes from the time spent is worth going that extra mile.  Without a doubt.