
An Update on Our Cyclops

We've received many concerned phone calls about the state of the dude's "silly eye" (that's what we called it so he would think it was funny rather than horrifying when he looked in the mirror). Visit #1 to the Dr. told us that it was NOT an infection, but rather an allergic reaction in one of his eyes. The benadryl did nothing and the eye got scarier and scarier throughout the day on Friday. To the point where it was completely swelled shut and people were looking at me like I was a child abuser.

A little Internet research on Saturday morning (gotta love that WebMD) told us that it probably WAS an infection and without immediate antibiotics, it could spread to the eyeball and cause permanent damage. We marched our fannies right back to the DR. (a new one this time) and she confirmed that it was as we thought. 12 hours after the first dose of drugs the eye went down 75% and dude's energy level skyrocketed. And Mom and Dad were able to relax and smile big big smiles to have our little man back. Although the cyclops was kind of endearing.

Lessons learned...

#1. Don't assume that your Dr.,despite their white coat and friendly demeanor, knows what he/she is talking about.

#2. Cut your kid's finger nails more than once every 2 weeks so they can't cut their eye, welcoming an infection to occur in the first place.
These pictures are pre-cyclops at the single most funnest hour of the dude's life. We signed up for a "gymnastics" class where he has free reign over a huge gym full of child friendly, cushy, obstacles. He didn't stop laughing for 45 minutes straight and fell in LOVE with the huge pit of Styrofoam blocks (see below photo). He would take running leaps and fall head first. We can't WAIT to go again this week. And the next. And the next.
Mmmmm.....now that I'm thinking about it, maybe that pit of foam had something to do with the massive eye infection......