
You Should See the Other Kid

No, we didn't throw a baseball at his face. And no, he didn't throw a baseball at his own face, although that's more probable. We wish we knew what has caused this half face full of awfulness, but we don't. And the doctor doesn't quite know either. His eyes watered for a couple days and BOOM. This started happening yesterday, but only half this bad. This morning was very traumatic when the dude woke up and couldn't see out of one eye. It didn't make for happy times, but as soon as he got used to his state of half blindness, he's been his chipper self.
Has anyone else seen anything like this????? We have him on Motrin and Benadryl and try not to look at him straight on. It's enough to make me burst into tears.


Christi said...

I'm sorry he feels this way. I would take him to the doc or med center. He may need some antibiotics to help clear it up. I work on peds at a GR hospital and we see it, but it might be able to be treated outpatient. But, he should be seen and evaluated. Hope he feels better (and is seeing better) soon!

Erynn Cole Custom Invitations said...

Oh how sad! How is the second eye problem going? I hope he's okay!