I'm typically not nervous to tell my dear hubbie about stupid stuff I do. He's very even keeled and really doesn't let my "stuff" get to him. I lucked out BIG time in that department. However, Monday morning produced one of those few times where I was nervous to dial his digits and tell him about the latest of my antics....aka, the second of 2 traffic violations received in the past 4 weeks. Neither of which I deserved, by the way. Well, the first one maybe. But this time I "rolled" a stop sign on our street. $100. Bam! Just like that. Have a nice day "Mr. I needed to reach my quota for the month and figured this was a nice lazy way to nail unsuspecting people who really aren't doing anything dangerous or illegal." But he can. Because he's a cop. And he has a gun.
Lucky for me, my dear hubbie practiced patience and was extremely understanding and sympathetic. Wrong place, wrong time. Yup! Couldn't agree more. I'm oh so thankful for his wonderfulness. And from now on, I'll make sure to make a jolting stop at every stop sign and make sure there are no squirrels or rabbits that need to cross before I proceed.
Your welcome babe. Just remember this next time I come home with another speeding ticket...
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