
Why am I the Way I Am?

Because I'm this guy's daughter. This is the 2nd round of photos, of himself, that he has sent to the dude. Dude hides them everywhere, so Papa's ugly mug is strewn about our house, in every nook and cranny. Pappa may be 1,000 miles away, but he's always close to our hearts, our cookware, our sock drawers, our dvd collection, our toy boxes, in books, under couch cushions....you get the idea. So, when I hear a loud, exuberant, "Pappa in diapers!" I know that dude has just come across a token of Pappa's love. Brilliant huh?


Sarah Jones said...

That is hilarious!

Sweet Home Colorado said...

That's so funny! Us teachers always have the free package of lovely photos given to us each year and Jim has come up with the perfect way to use them! I usually send a wallet size of myself to my old high school friend and write- love your B.F.F. and have a kick *ss summer, stuff like that!

Amanda Stek said...

Gwen, you will be happy to know that my dear mother does the same thing! She sends Melissa and I school pictures of herself. I also recall a time where she continuously hid a college picture of herself under our pillows as a joke (it was mounted on a piece of wood...so it was particularly not funny and rather uncomfortable). The Kwasteniet kids...what can you do with them!