
Let the Sunshine In

Colorado sunshine and our family = true love. I'm not trying to be snotty to all my mid western and east coast stalkers. I'm really not. The sunshine and weather is why we live here. It's happy and it's kid friendly and it takes away winter gloominess. This past week has been balmy and we're definitely taking advantage. Duder has been practicing his swing (and I must say, there's much improvement since the summer months), he's rediscovering the backyard and all it has to offer, Tim is out washing the cars, I scrubbed the garage floor of all the winterness that has built up and then we're off on a walk. If only it stayed light past 5:02pm.

He finally understands that hitting the "red part" is not part of the game.

Thank you Mr. Sun. "I love you SO much sunshine!"

Time out. Need a cheez-it recharge. I looove cheez-its.

So darn cute, isn't he?