Are you ready for this kids? Sit down. Yesterday, I had an epiphany. And I acted on it. My Honda Pilot took me to our rec center. Despite my rebellion, she parked herself, I took a deep breath, got out, walked into the rec center and before I knew it, I was working out. I know. I still don't believe it myself. But it happened. And before I stepped onto the elliptical machine, I found myself purchasing a 15 punch pass, ensuring that I WILL return to do it again. At least 14 more times to be exact. The hope it that I will complete those 15 sessions and then purchase some more, but my better half insists in seeing proof before we purchase more pudding.
As I worked out, this is what I witnessed around me, making me feel a bit humiliated that this was the first time my butt entered those healthy doors. In front of me on treadmills were 4 senior citizen (like over 70) cute little men. One was in khakis, a tucked in dress shirt and white sneakers. The other was in tight jeans, loafers and white socks with a tucked in denim shirt. The other 2 had baggy sweatpants (tapered at the bottom) with tucked in t-shirts. So cute right? They worked out the entire time my 31 year old frame did and were breathing much more steadily than I. My heart raced at the mere thought that their hearts were probably in better shape than mine. So pathetic. I picked up my pace and vowed that this day was the first day of my initiative to get in shape.
Dude will also be getting in shape here soon. We just registered him for soccer lessons at our local park. This is mainly for our entertainment value, but I'm sure he'll do lots of running too. I'll definitely be taking video of his first "game." He'll also be taking swimming lessons in April to ensure that Mommy will not have to hold him every second of our pool visiting experiences this summer. What is Daddy doing to get in shape? Well, he went on a business trip last week and ate three 5 star restaurant dinners in a row. He was so full that he hasn't eaten much since getting home. That's something, right?
My Healthy Epiphany -for now.
Vacuums in Dude's Bed
Catch Phrases from the Week
*As I wrap dude in a pink and white towel at the rec center pool yesterday, neighbor friend Riley says, "Why is Ryan (she doesn't recognize the "l" in his name) in a girl's towel?" 2 seconds later, dude drops the towel, looks at me sternly and says, "I don't WANT a girls towel."
*Potty training is going very well, but we've had to sit on the red bathroom rug for what seems like 40 hours this past week. Today he surprised me and said, "Mommy, don't watch me!" I turned around and he said, "Mommy, go downstairs by Daddy!" I left, he did his business and announced that he was done and ready to do the potty dance. Yes, we still do the potty dance. Every time. It's a beautiful thing when kids start viewing using the facilities as something you want to do privately.
*As we're leaving day care, he turns around and says, "Lesa, tanks for all the yummy milk today!" What can I say. The kid LOVES his milk.
*At dinner last night with friends, dude pulled 3 year old Emma aside and said, "Emma, Ewic got a big red owie at Wylan's house." She didn't seam to care, so he told her, louder this time. Do you think the kid was traumatized by Eric's incident in our basement. I think so. That was over a week ago and he still tells everyone he sees.
*We toured Daddy's office for this first time last week. All this time he has thought Dad works at the zoo. Fortunately, Tim's office has an endless supply of M&M's, which made up for the lack of monkeys and zebras. Every office he passed, he stopped, asked "What's YOUR name?" They would tell him and he would say, "Ok, bye lady!"
Bribing Your Children is Okay.
Each month I look forward to the arrival of my Parents Magazine. Not for the advice on the cool 168 step crafts to do with your kids. That stuff just depresses my non-crafty self. But they have some fun articles that tend to reaffirm that you're not alone in this world of parenting. Here are a few of my favorites from a recent article, "39 Things Every Mom Should Know."
1.Don't beat yourself up if you have to use a bribe.
The concept of beating myself up has never occurred to me. I use bribes at every meal time.
2.Teach them to pump on the swings ASAP
True dat! Tim and I fight like school children over who gets swing duty every time we visit the park.
3.I know you're supposed to use natural consequences to punish bad behavior, but sometimes it's hard to think of natural consequences. In these cases, try threatening your kids with clipping their toenails or trimming the hair around their ears.
Love this. I think I'll try it today - dude cringes at the sight of his nail clippers.
4.Don't administer a punishment that hurts you more than it does them.
Does that mean I shouldn't have taken him home after he pinned our neighbor friend against the wall so he could get to the puzzles first? Because I really didn't want to go home yet.
5.Do not allow the word "wienies" in your home.
Agreed. 100% agreed. I would add "wiener" to that list. We use "peeps." It just seems so much "cooler and hipper."
6.It's fine to brag about yourself to your kids.
If dude tells you how beautiful and intelligent I am, this did NOT come from me. He comes up with this stuff. All on his own.
7.Put band-aids on everything your kids want you to. Why not?
There's nothing cuter than a kid with 8 tweetie bird band aids on. I haven't introduced band aids yet. Our kid is WAY too cautious to even need such a thing.
Thanks to Parents Magazine for approving all of my negative parenting traits.
Musical Heaven
Ewic's Red Owie
Ewic's hair, pre running full speed into the wall. We'll see what it looks like tomorrow.
Blast off to Cago!
Highlights from our mini vacation -
*Touring where Uncle Kyky mixes drugs (he works for a pharmaceutical company).
*Following four months of oohing and ahhing at pictures, we finally met our new, perfect nephew, Hudson.
*After getting an emergency miracle ear infection prescription from a dear friend in Chicago, dude was able to enjoy play time at Uncle Nick and Aunt Caylei's house and some (but not enough) quality time with Grandma V. In the midst of the ear infection drama, we didn't even haul out the camera:(
*Cousin Dylan ("Didi" as dude coined him) had us cracking up with his big personality and catchy little giggles.
*A short but much needed visit with our friends the Riegers-we were finally able to meet their hiiiiilarious little duo, Charles and Lewis. Seriously, can you get much cuter than these two?
*A Monday morning mini visit with my childhood buddy, Ernose. Sorry it was so lame girl. We'll set our sights higher next time.
*Duder making friends with the crabby TSA ladies at Midway. As they grunted us through the line, he stopped and said, "Hi ladies! What's YOUR name? My name Wylan." Their grump suddenly disappeared and smiles emerged. Way to go dude.
Much more fun and excitement took place in the midst of those highlights. We can never fit everyone in that we want to, so each trip we try to see someone new. It's tough taking the dude away from grandparents who are so madly in love with his charm and charisma:) Thanks for a great weekend everyone. Love and miss you much.
Pappa bought a cake for the weekend and naturally dude thought it was a birthday party for him. So we went with it.
Uncle Kyky loves his little dudes. And vice versa.
Dude and Don (the plumber)
Instead, this is what happened.....
I picked up the dude, who had gone accident free ALL DAY! Yeah dude! Many dances and cheers took place on the car ride home. The high point of the night. Within 10 minutes of arriving home, I discovered liquid. First was the newly forming pond in the corner of our basement. More like a marsh - a marsh that smelled like a hamster cage. While I crawled around the basement, looking for evidence of perhaps a ginormous cup of water that spilled (wishful thinking), I hear this from the kitchen, "Mommy, I peeing in pants!" Exit the marsh and enter clean up pee mode. We ran upstairs, stripped off all clothes and put on a fresh pair of elmo roos. Back downstairs to investigate the marsh.
10 minutes later...Tim is home and is observing the basement with the same look of shock and fear that I had. Dude runs by, yelling something about poop in his pants. Awesome. Momma's patience had started to dissipate at that point. Poor dude.
It's now I type this, the carpet man is laying new padding and nailing down the dried out carpet. He detects water in the wall, but not worth ripping out the drywall. THANK YOU Mr. Carpet man. Last night, we were blessed with the presence of Don, the plumber. For 5 hours, dude got to hang with Don. They became best friends. Don had tools. Loud tools. And that made the Dude giggle with glee. We had to draw pictures of Don, invite Don to have an M&M party with us, shared our dinner with Don, sang songs for was a good night for the dude. And for our plumbing. The marsh is dried up and all is well with our humble abode.
Dude and Don, the plumber.
Dude asked daddy to draw Don the plumber. This was the end product. Mommy & Daddy are at the table, eating. Dude is helping Don. Don has a hammer, drill, a tool box, a light, a cup of juice and a map. Just like Dora.
For you viewing enjoyment:)
Soon He'll be Growing Armpit Hair
"Ready or not Momma! Here I come!"
PS...check for an adoption video update.