
Soon He'll be Growing Armpit Hair

We've chosen a preschool. Our kid is going to preschool. All of this sounded great and emotionally, no bigee...until I went and toured the school last week. Here is an excerpt from an email I sent to my mom that afternoon.

" I toured a preschool this morning. Weepy me. My little man can't be big enough to go to school. It's in a BIG school Mom. He'll walk in the hall with BIG kids. My little half pint. And it's bright and colorful and super fun. And there's little tables and structure and big potties. And lots of learning takes place. And he goes outside for recess. Recess Mom. He's going to love it and next thing I know he's going to be in Kindergarten, learning how to read and we won't be able to spell things in front of him anymore. And then he's not going to want to snuggle with me anymore and then he'll start growing arm pit hair and kissing girls other than me. And I won't be able to send him to his room when he's being naughty because he'll automatically go there and slam his door after school (just like I did). And he'll listen to weird music and we'll have to let him since he'll be "discovering" himself. God better give me a baby soon or Rylan's going to be forced to remain my little baby far longer than is appropriate."

Really, I am pretty excited about the preschool thing. But it did make this Momma a bit weepy to see evidence of her little dude becoming not so little anymore. Enjoy each day and each moment...even the moments that involve puddles and pee and poop terds on my kitchen floor. Sighhhhhh.

"Ready or not Momma! Here I come!"

PS...check http://www.expectingminusthebabybump.blogspot.com/ for an adoption video update.


Sweet Home Colorado said...

Where is he going to preschool?