
It's March Baby!

A happy girl am I. No particular reason other than the fact that it's March. March people! We've made it through the sludge and Spring is on the horizon. And that makes me happy. Sianara Sir Winter and all that comes with your crabby self -colds, croup, ear infections, nasty flu's, dirty snow, 4:30pm sunsets, hibernating in the house, stocking hats, slushy garage floors. Yuck. March brings with it more balmy days than frigid days. And the time change is almost upon us. And it brings the dude's birthday and proof that we've succeeded at keeping him healthy and happy for yet another year. March is when I start thinking about flower pots and adding more perennials to our garden. July is typically when everything I plant shrivels up and croaks, but the fun is in the planning right?

Sure, it might snow this weekend and dude has a case of croup, but today it's 55 and the sun is beaming. And tomorrow I'm taking my little man to the park (after his first trip to the dentist - stay tuned.) And THAT makes this Mile High Mamma smile. Happy March to you and yours.

Another reason to love March? Nanna and Pappa are coming for 5.5 days. Hip hip!

And yet another reason? Soon Oma and Opa's rose bushes will once again look like this.


Cara S. said...

SO ready to play outside...swimming at "Baby Inge's", riding bikes, walks to the park. Summer needs to hurry up!