
Born 4 Rockin'

B-day recap time.  Duder had a blast at his partaaaaay, as did 15 of his darling little buddies.  The rec center offers an organized gymnastics party that can't be beat.  The kids romp around for an hour, workers "organize" some activities for them and you finish off the day with cake and presents upstairs and super super tired kiddos, ready for a hearty afternoon nap.  I included a video recap or just photos if you don't have 7 minutes to spare.  Special THANKS to Lance and Katie for taking on Squirt for the party!!!!  She really wouldn't have appreciated all the fine gymnastics offerings of the big event.     



Backtrack to Nana Time

The birthday blog is to come.  After I find time to download and edit 100 photos and 20 minutes of video.  I'll summarize first by saying that my 4 year old Dude had an awesome day, filled with balloons, sweet treats, all the friends one could ever ask for and a serious nap.  More to come.

Backing up to our time with Nana....we had the BEST 3 days.  Nana just has a way with my kids that I can't quite put into words.  She knows how to get them to smile, behave, and brings out their inner genius.  Dude can not get enough of his Nana.  And Squirt now is joining in the Nana loving ranks.  The two of them bonded for sure.  We went to the zoo, we went to the park, we played puzzles, we read books, we opened early b-day presents, we laid on the floor and cooed...it was heaven.  We're still coming down, almost a week later, from this Nana trip.  In fact, when Dude let one of his balloons go "far into the clouds" yesterday, his wish was for his Nana to come for his birfday.  Now we get to look forward to Grandma V coming and sharing her Grandma love with us all. 


 Lots of cooing with Nana.

 Presents from Nana and Papa are always inventive and super fun.  This remote car does flips and turns and creates giggles galore.

 Present #2 is a rockin marble machine.  Nana knows what Dude loves.

 The zoo.  Oh the fun for Nana and Dude.  Squirt slept through it all.

 We treated Nana to Good Times custard.  The best in town.

 Look at me friends!  I try to sit up by myself now, so Mom and Dad figured I was ready for this plastic, purple seat.  And I was!

Oh how Squirt loves life.  Smiles are so easy to come by these days. 


To my Dude

Pardon the sap found below.  My little Dude is turning 4 tomorrow and I just grow more and more in love with his spunky self every day.  It's hard to believe that our blue eyed wonder is already 4.  I'll just bask in the fact that his bean pole frame still fits into 24 month shorts.  That still makes him my baby right?  I'll start with a photo tour of his four years thus far.   

To my little rocker man on the eve of his 4th birthday....

You bring me my very best smiles and the most brightest of sunshine little love.  May you continue to be a beam of light to everyone around you.  And may you find genuine smiles and bright sunshine in return.  Those baby blues see directly into this Mama's heart.  Your random reminders of how much you loooove me and the bear hugs that come my way on a daily basis are the bright spots in my days.  Oh how I admire your knack for laughter and silliness and your ability to talk to anyone, anywhere, about what's on your mind.  You are destined for great social things.

Oh how I wish I could freeze you at four years young.  Honesty and innocence and imagination reign true in your little life and I don't want the world to mask that.  And so I'll try my best to encourage you to be you.  And to tell you each and every day how incredible you are and how much I adore everything that makes you our little man.  Dad and I can't talk about you without giggling and thanking God for the miracle that is you.  You fit into our lives and into our hearts like no other little dude could.

Happy Birthday handsome.  I can't believe what a smart little man you're becoming and I can not wait to watch you grow into a 5 year old.  In case you don't know it already, your Mama loves you.  A whole lot.       


Party People

This blog has been a bit Squirt and Dude heavy as of late, so let me introduce a variation of faces for your viewing pleasure.  We've been partying hard the last week at some of our favorite kiddos b-day bashes.  We kicked off the fun with our charming Bradster's Monster Truck get together, commemorating 4 years of spunk and boyish energy.  It was great hanging out with our Jansen/Syers gang after a hiatus of hibernating at home with Squirt.  We chowed on brats, watched Brady open gifts with contagious excitement, cut into Cara's masterpiece cake and took 2 very tired kiddos home to bed.  My mom was able to join in the fun too.  More to come on her visit later.

 Crazy how much they look alike huh?  Two peas in a four year old pod.

 Two additional peas in a pod.  A 30 something year old pod.

 I don't know that we're peas in a pod...more like ketchup and mustard.  We just go well together.

 Chow time.

 Can you tell Dude was excited about his new Monster Truck?

 We now have 4 Monster Trucks.  That night's addition was "Cowboy." 

 Bradster took the lead at the pinata.  It took Payton to get it open.

 He gave it his best shot.  Determination my friends. 

 I wouldn't have a clue how to construct this beauty.  Cara's creativity shines through.

 Toe heads.  Don't get cuter than this.

 Ok...she's pretty darn cute too.  She and her Nana became quite the duo.

 Landon and his Dad.  That is some serious cuteness....not Wes, the baby. 

Party numero 2 was for our little angel Delaney.  Can't believe the little stinker is already one.  Makes me cherish each day with my Squirt.  She'll be having her one year old tea party before we know it.  Maria had some ladies and their little ones over for an owl themed tea, bagels, fruit etc. and to show our love for DD and all she brings to our worlds.  Mom was able to join in this party too. 

 Again with my creative cakey friends.  Way to go Maria.

 Beauties.  I've never a mom who outwardly adores her little squirt more than this Mama.

 My little Squirt even wore a dress for the occasion. 

 The birthday girl.  In all her adorable glory.

 You can see that all the little girls want nothing to do with Squirt.  Lots of careful monitoring was happening.

 My gal pal Lisa P.  Not the best shot of Squirt, but that's her signature "hold me" pose.

Signing off with a cake filled face.