10 Months
Our pretty girl is only 2 months away from being an official toddler. I can still call her a baby and get away with it. Kinda. I was just reminiscing with some girlfriends last night about what life was like for our family of 3 one year ago. We were eager and crazy anxious about the arrival of this little teeny one who we prayed like never before would become a part of our family. And now she crawls around this house like she owns the place. Well, she kinda does. She owns our hearts too, including her big brother's.
Our little squirt is a happy, blubbering, crawling, climbing, messy eating, spitting, squealing, laughing, mess making, ray of sunshine. She'll be walking any week now, which is such a far cry from her big brother. He wasn't even crawling at this stage. Makes life more interesting, for sure. Sometimes Tim and I just look at each other and throw our hands up - this go getter of a baby is a whole different experience for us. Baby proofing has taken on new meanings over here at Casa Vogel. What's the latest with her 10 month self?
She's giving wet, open mouth, kisses, saying "bye bye," "mama" and "dada." She's eating just about anything you put on her tray, climbing up stairs (as of yesterday), sleeping about 2.5 hours during the day and going 7:30-6:30 at night. I'm happy to announce that she's no longer afraid of the dust buster as shes gotten used to me using it after EVERY meal. She loves opening and closing doors, eating paper products and climbing all over her brother and whatever he's doing. Bottom line, Squirt is a treasure and we're so grateful that she's ours.
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