Every so often I feel the need to "reinvent" myself. Rather than go to school, learn a new language or actually better my inner being, I get my hair colored and chopped off. I haven't done this is oh, 4 years, so it was time. God created me to be a brunette, although the palette he gifted me with looks a bit like poop. So I chose a brunette that I could feel kinda okay about.
I do realize that my normally darling daughter looks like a total snaggletooth in this shot, but it's a true representation of where she's at in her tooth phase of life.
Dude woke up the morning after my transformation, looked at me, giggled and said, "You look like my NEW brown mommy!" He giggle some more, told everyone he saw to look at his new Mommy and then ended the day with this...."Mom, next day when you go to dat cutter lady, can you please tell her to bring back my yellow Mommy?" Kids tell it like it is. At least the adults in my life have been kind enough to pretend they like it. I do appreciate that.
Squirt is much darlinger in this shot, although could I squint my eyes any tighter?
Poor Squirt....her brother insists on squeezing her head multiple times per day. I don't know what it is that encourages him to grab her poor skull, but she's a real tropper about it.
She's now walking around furniture - I couldn't resist documenting this little sweater outfit.
Oh this face. It just kills me.
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