
Our Idea Man

Dude's mind is ALWAYS moving.  At what can be an exhausting rate for us as his listening parents.  But when we actually take the time to give him our full attention, we either laugh out loud or stand amazed at what he comes up with.  Bless his soon to be Kindergarten teacher.  I have a strong feeling that his mind will NOT tell his hand to raise before blurting out his excitable thoughts on life and the universe around us. 

Below is a sampling of an "olive oil machine for kids to clean their tables" rant he was on one night last week.  The ideas just kept coming, so we decided to document his mental invention.  Ya know, in case someone patents it some day and tries to steal our millions.  We finally had to break it to him that we would not indeed be building the very confusing and not so practical machine that he dreamed up.  He was quite disappointed and went to bed quite frustrated at our lack of vision.