
A Perfect Friday Night

Hudson Gardens is one of our very favorite family picnic destinations.  A few times this summer we've loaded up a picnic and spent a couple hours roaming the grounds, throwing rocks in the ponds, chasing geese, oohing and aahing at the flowers and lilly pads, climbing on boulders....it's an outdoor paradise in the midst of our deserty home.  Of course I had the camera up to my face for a large chunk of the time.  Go figure.   

Let's pause this post for a little video entertainment: 

 Dad is blocking the setting sun in the top shot and not in the bottom version.  I kinda dig both.

 These lilly pads are not fake.  Which amazes me. 

 The pumpkin patch they maintain is unbelievable.  These suckers are not for sale (one would need a forklift to lift them), but they sure are cool to investigate and sit on.

 Our dad.  He sure does know how to rally our troops. 

And then wrestle-mania 2012 took place.  So much giggling from all parties involved.  And remarkably, no tears from the peanut gallery. 



Cara S. said...

Great pics friend. Sad that I have to resort to your blog to see your kiddos. Let's hang soon.

kwas said...

I'll be waiting to have some of these pics sent my way- maybe all?

kwas said...

I'll be waiting to have some of these pics sent my way- maybe all?