When Dude was younger Tim and I often looked at each other with concern over our son's lack of creativity and imagination. Life was black and white for his little mind. Welllll, color has arrived friends. We now look at each other with concern over the lack of black and white in his little mind. Every minute is an adventure of some sort with obstacles that are impossible for parents with non-super hero powers to tackle. But don't tell him that! In his very vocal opinion, everything is possible with magic buttons and paper and scissors and wrenches and water buckets and fans and electricity and music and wind and balloons and tape and stickers...you get the idea?
This video is the end result of oh, 5 hours of talking about and dreaming up ideas for a matchbox car wash. I put Tim on task and was super impressed with the end result. Dude couldn't have been more proud. Yesterday he and I constructed a hot air balloon and after an hour of talking about how we needed to run it all the way to the park to gain enough wind and plug in fans all along the way, I had to put a moratorium on all hot air balloon related discussions. I couldn't take the creativity any more. Mommy was going to burst and possibly step on and kill said hot air balloon if it went on any longer.
All of this to say that we're baffled by our 5 year old's sudden surge in imagination. Pleased and impressed most of the time, but we will admit that our lack of childlike dreaming isn't always a perfect match for his desire to fly to Uranus (of course that's his favorite planet) and back. But we're doing our best and will look forward to the day when our little Einstein invents something earth shattering and shares his jackpot with dear old Mom and Dad. We can dream too right?
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