
Batters Up

I neglected to post the conclusion of Dude and Dad's baseball season.  We're done friends - we have been for a while now.  I haven't seen Tim so relieved to be finished with something in a very long time.  Not that he didn't enjoy coaching - he was just a bit exhausted trying to keep our little man on task.  There are far too many planes, rolly pollies, dirt tornadoes and dandelions out there to keep the attention of Sir Dude.  He showed improvement and had a lot of fun, which is all good.  Uncle Wes was a rock star head coach and did awesome with Duder and all the other little men.

It was fun going to the games and laughing at the natural comedy that comes along with 5-7 year olds doing just about anything organized.  The team showed tons of improvement throughout the season, which was exciting to see.  Baseball next year?  We're thinking that's a negative, but it was a fun and interesting ride.

 You would think Squirt came from Cara's womb.  Most people assume she did.  These two are ridiculously cute together.



Cara S. said...

It was a fun season! That pic of Brady and Ry eating ice cream is perfect.