

Mile High Vogels have been rather spoiled with dreamy vacation get-aways this summer.  Toward the end of June, our buds, the Lubbers, kindly invited our motley crew to their family cabin in Buena Vista.  We accepted without hesitation.  We were actually quite giddy about the opportunity.  The Lubbers are crazy to fun to hang with for so many reasons.  Combine that with a mountain dude ranch experience and you've got quite the rockin' weekend.  We headed up on a Saturday morning and came back Monday.  The weather was 20 degrees colder than blazing Denver and we loved the spitting raindrops that graced us from time to time.  

The children (our children I should clarify) were the children most of the time which is both a blessing and a curse.  The two hour nature hike hosted by ranch workers was a real refresher for all those involved.  We swam in the hot springs pool at the ranch, rode some horses, played in the miniature houses, hiked an awesome rocky hike to a waterfall, had photo shoot fun, drank lots of wine (is that ever not a part of our activities) and played Trains, our new game addiction.  We loved every minute of it.  Thanks Lubbers!      

 And this is what my son looked like the entire weekend.  He chose a cowboy hat with a green visor, refused to take off his pool bracelet from back home, sucked on that camel back constantly and found a pair of boots to borrow.  Be impressed ladies.  Be very impressed.

 Four complete toe heads with pasty white skin.  

 Kinda love this shot.

 This is the waterfall we all hiked to.  Dude was leading the pack and had TONS of energy.  He didn't complain once about being tired or having sore muscles.  Never before has this happened.  That's what 5 months of OT has done for our little man.  Amazing.

 Kevin's mouth was wicked sore all weekend due to oral surgery, so his sarcasm was at a minimum.  But he put on a smile and pretended to tolerate us all the same.  Bless his heart.  

 See my kid up there in the middle?  He went much further than the rest of us and climbed down all on his own.  We were crazy proud.

 This one?  She refused to walk, let alone climb.  Good thing she's so darn pretty.

 Evidence of the refusal to walk and Dad's impatience with being forced to carry her.

 I love kids in boots.  I bought myself a pair of used boots for $20 at the ranch.  I'm rather stoked to find an appropriate time to sport um.

 Breathtaking scenery up there.  Especially this particular night after the rain moved out and the sun hit those majestic mountains.  God is pretty great.  That's all there is to it. 

Our final pit stop on the way home.  Cute?  Yes.  The worst food and service you've ever had?  Without a doubt.