
Insulation, Sundays and Ballet

In an effort to make our pad more "green" and efficient, Tim and our bud Randy emptied the attic of this nasty and totally ineffective insulation.  They threw it out Squirt's window into what turned into a mountain of yellow, dusty crap.  To say "thank you" to Randy wouldn't quite be doing justice.  New insulation was laid last weekend and we can already feel the difference in the balmy nature of our house.

My far-away confidant, Megan, turned 3-0 and hubbie Eric surprised her with a bash at McCormick's last weekend.  He flew her in, sans kids and treated her like the Mama Queen she is.  Happy b-day friend.

What does a random Sunday look like as the Vogels?  A little something like this...

 Doesn't my little Dude look ridiculously tall in this shot?  

My mom and I took Dude to "Scenes from the Nutcracker" this past weekend.  His reaction?  2 embarrassingly loud and drawn out yawns and three requests to play on my phone.  We'll consider him "exposed" to ballet and call it a wrap for a few years.