
Casa Vogel Christmas

Over the years, we've followed an every other year trend of heading to Chi-town for Christmas.  This was the year to board a jet plane, so we did just that, 2 excited to the max kids in tow.  You see, there are more toys and opportunity for mischief at Uncle Ross and Aunt Kira's house as well as Nana and Papa's house than in their boring homestead and they were ready to get down and dirty.  Before leaving town, we celebrate as a family at home, around our own tree of gifts.  This year, we limited the gifts to things they could actually use and appreciate and lowered our spending.  I don't know why we didn't follow this mentality years ago.  It was so simple and so rewarding for everyone.  We hand picked a few items per kid and they were happy as clams. Dude got sweet legos, an Angry Bird calendar, Star Wars shirt and a book from his sis.  Squirt was tickled with her aqua yarn "R," kissing it and hugging it.  Who knew?  She also got a hat, a sleeping mat for the nights she feels the need to sleep on our floor and a book from her bro.  Daddy was surprised with a new wedding band - something hes been wanting for years.  It was a trick to get his old band off his finger and to the store to get sized, but I'm crafty that way.  This Mama was blessed with a writing retreat recently, so that was my gift. Tim added a couple books for my new journey to my stash, which was just what I wanted.  I'm lovin books these days.  Real books that you can touch with real paper in them.

Our son has a knack for kissing.  It's a problem.  We do allow him to kiss his sister, but she's not too keen on it, as evidenced below.

 Fast forward 24 hours...Dude is already assembling his new lego set.  He's a lego mastermind and will sit for hours following every last direction.  We're legitimately amazed at what he's capable and can't argue with his new career aspiration of becoming a Lego Teacher.  Go for the gold buddy.

 More Christmas cheer to come.