
Our Little Tumble Bug

The joy our little 3 year old shows when faced with the realization that she gets to go to "Tumblebugs" is like nothing we've seen from the child.  Our local rec center contains a gymnastics room where she and I have taken classes and attended multiple birthday parties.  She runs around like a crazy horse and giggles with glee as she prances, jumps, hops, balances, swings, glides, climbs and bounces.  Naturally, we chose Tumblebugs as the destination for her 3rd birthday party.  She's been counting down the days (in her own warped view of time - everything is "last week.")  17 of her closest little people joined her for 1.5 hours of padded bliss. Dude ran around like a crazy chimp with his bud Brady too.  

As a little guy, the first two times Dude threw himself into this pit of foam he woke up with major eye infections.  Like he couldn't see out of his right eye it was so puffed out and freakish looking.  And during Dude's 5th birthday part here, a little friend had to be rescued from the depths of the foam.  Therefore, I'm not a fan of the infested pit of squishy germ trappers.  But Squirt loves it, as does Dude.  So I folded.  No eye infections thus far.  And everyone survived.

Oh the leaping child shooter.  My child is afraid of some things (like walking down the stairs unattended) but THIS?  No trepidation.  Let's do this people.

 Oh how I love this kid and his zest.

 Ridiculously edible.  

 Two of my very favorite preggers.  Due within two months of each other.  


If you live in the Denver area and are in search of a birthday party destination, give this one a go.  No stress, no mess and the parents can stay and play alongside their kids.  Easy shmeazy lemon squeezy, as Dude would say.

It was a weekend chock full of birthday goodness for the Vogel girls.  Friday was my annual birthday dinner at White Chocolate Grill with the Glassmans (sans kids of course).  The Filet Salad is my very favorite meal on the planet, so this is an event I eagerly anticipate, as does Linsy, who orders the same orgasmic menu item (sorry, it's THAT good).  Sunday I awoke to bagels and locks and fruit smoothies from my hubs, no notable change in behavior from my children (I had low expectations anyway), an incredibly moving church service where our new pastor was installed, a charming ladies lunch with 3 of my favorite women, a Broncos partaaaay with the Krom family and Maria and I hit the sack at 9:30pm.  Perfection.  Thanks to everyone who made me feel special and loved with outings, gifts, texts, cards, emails, random pop ins, etc.  35 feels pretty darn good already.  

 I'm holding what was a bottomless Mimosa.  The first of four.  Every birthday should include mimosas friends. 

This was my lunch candle.  Made a wish none-the-less!


Cara S. said...

Happy Birthday to both V-Zang girls. We love you! Thanks for letting all three kiddos crash your party Reagan. They had a blast!