
Windy City Christmas Part I

After a smooth trip to Chicago, we packed into Papa and Nana's car and gifted my brother, Ross and his wife, Kira, with our larger than life presence.  For 3 days.  They were very brave and patient and made us feel completely at home through the madness.  My kids didn't whine or fight the entire time, which speaks to the sheer amount of joy they experienced.  It was bitter cold, like 9 degrees, most of the time, which forced us to remain indoors.  The boys resorted to dress up and Lego's a majority of the time, which was lovely for us parentals.  I don't know that I spoke to my son for those 3 days more than telling him to pee, eat and go to bed.     

 This was the costume of choice.  Why?  Note the magic button touching his chin.  Enough said.

Girl time with baby June was treasured by all of us.  We kinda fought internally over who got custody of her throughout the days.  June is easy shmeazy and was a total trooper.

 Meet Torty.  Dylan used his crafty negotiation skills and landed the school pet for the entire winter break.  Way to go D.  

At some point, we needed to get the littles the heck out of dodge, so some of us adults took them to the Botanic Gardens for the train display.  It was magical and a perfect outing.

Gigi is goin' strong and decided to take the trip to Chicago from Michigan with Kyle and Beck.  We were so glad she did!  

 Ready.  For. Presents.  

 Never mind the sleep eye.

 Both girls got baby Stella from Nana and Papa.  Squirt is enamored with hers and June Bug showed genuine excitement over her little friend.   

 Aunt Becky treated the kids to her home made ravioli and enlisted Squirt's help to prepare the meal.  Darling.  Just darling.  

 Our Christmas meal was planned, shopped for and created by my big bro and Kira.  Kyle and Becky were kitchen helpers and MAN did they do good.  Pork tenderloin with horseradish sauce, mashed potatoes, home made rolls, baked vegetables, wine, wine, wine....need I say more?  

Twas a lovely time with my entire family under one roof.  That happens very rarely, so we treasure the times when it works out.  Thanks to Ross and Kira for hosting the chaos and creating a Christmas dinner to remember.  Sure do love you guys.  

Next stop, Nana and Papa's house for the remainder of the trip.  Our time there was quiet and low-key, which was a perfect way to end our visit.  We went to C-mas Eve service at my home church, Hope, which is always endearing for me.  I still treasure that community of people and the building that holds them.  Santa found his way to Papa and Nana's chimney, I'm sure because of the reindeer food the kids sprinkled (dumped in one big pile) on the driveway, so Christmas morning did not disappoint.  Dude got his volcano (minus the remote control) and Squirt got her beloved candy canes and a bonus pack of mints.  Just for her.  Elfie even flew to the Windy City and hid each morning, adding to the magic.

 I would have typically made this little gem of a picture its own blog post, but there are way too many posts needing to be uploaded at the moment.  

My parents live on a pond that attaches to additional ponds.  Given the frigid temps, the ponds were solid ice.  This provided for outstanding outdoor entertainment.  See below.  My Dad thought this revelation of utilizing the frozen pond was so exciting that he up and bought a pair of hockey skates and has been frolicking on the ice ever since.  I envision his pirouetting and lifting his lanky legs in the air, but I kinda think he's just skating.  

 Hey look, it's me!  

This ends Windy City Christmas Part I.  Part II (Vogelzang festivities) to come.


Cara S. said...

Love seeing pics of your Chicago family! Everyone looks great! Did Papa Jim write the kids names in the snow on the pond? That's so cool!