
Our Little Poet

Dude's school goes hog wild over Halloween, but for Christmas we were invited to a completely benign of all Christmas spirit poetry reading.  Niceish.  I sat down with the other 2nd grade parents, a bit anxious about what was to come.  All the kids were lined up in two rows, waving at their respective parents.  I was blessed with a stand up, full arm, booty shaking wave.   Mr. Olsen explained that each child would be reading a a poem they wrote while the others sat quietly and listened.  26 children.  Whewww.  Luckily, in between, they sang three songs to break up the quiet space.  I did record some of the singing to demonstrate Dude's affinity for singing in the highest pitch possible. ON pitch, mind you, but definitely 1st Soprano in nature.  Despite my fears, Dude and the other kiddos did a fabulous job of listening and staying squirmy statues.  I was quite proud with the end result.

 Our lifelong friend, Holden.  Check out the studly ensemble!

 Dude's newest bud, Isaac.  I love watching my son grow genuine bonds with other littles.  It warms my mama heart, big time.  

 This child friendly beverage was coined Frogscottle by his teacher.  He came home for four days leading up to the poetry reading, telling me about the benefits of Frogscottle.  Simply put, it makes you fart, or so says the legend.  Come time to drink it, Dude was giddy and nervous because, of course, he believed it would truly make him produce an extreme amount of flatulents.  

     Dude's poem about his favorite color, green.  He's held to this favorite for quite a few years, so I think it's gonna stick.   

And now, the performances for your audio visual enjoyment.  



Trish said...

Funny! I wish I could have been there! Elizabeth came home that afternoon telling us to watch our for her "toots". That comment required further explanation!