
Our Little Star

It's easy to let blogosphere time fly by during the holidays.  We've been having a high time over here. Aside from a ping pong killer cough Squirt and I have been volleying, we're all healthy and happy. Before I highlight Christmas, we need to backtrack a bit.

Squirt's darling Lutheran Preschool puts on an impressive series of Christmas nativity performances (I believe there are 5 or 6 total so as not to overcrowd Bethlehem).  The costumes are priceless.  Our little Blondie was a shining yellow star.  They performed a number of songs, she looked out at the crowd, sang when appropriate, smiled her cheeky smile, waved and waited her turn to get off stage.  Easy shmeazy lemon squeezy, as my kids would say.  This was a very new experience for us parentals as our only preschool experience thus far was Dude standing backward the entire performance due to the bright light and yelling out for them to turn it off. Granted, he sang and did all the correct motions, just facing the wrong direction.  

 She insisted on the cowgirl plastic boots.  It added character to Bethlehem.  

 Our dear friend, Molly, posed as a chicken.  She referred to herself as a "Honker," which was enjoyable.  

 Cookies and juice in Miss Claire's classroom following the big show.  

We're blessed to have a Dad who values this stuff and makes our baby girl feel uber special.  She'll be in 6th grade and warding us off before we know it, so we're doing our best to eat up this stuff. There's nothing quite like the simplicity of this age.  Good job on your star performance sweet cheeks. We're so proud of how naturally you shine!