Our bro and Uncly Kyle (aka "Kyky") just graced us with a long weekend visit. From the minute duder woke up on Friday morning and saw Kyle, he was hooked. They were attached at the hip until their last possible waking minute together. If Kyle wasn't in the same room we would hear, "Kyky! Are you?" (translation - Kyle, where are you?). They played basketball, baseball, bubbles, went to the park, read books...on and on. We ventured to the Light Rail for dude's first train ride and made our way through the crowds at Denver's St. Patricks Day Parade. It was picture perfect weather, so we spent ample time outdoors taking it all in.
Thanks for taking days off to visit us Ky! We had a great time and hope we can do it again soon. As dude would say, "la yooooou and bye bye Ky Ky!"
It was great seeing you Kyle! Thanks for coming out for the birthday celebration...
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