
Gobble Gobble Wrap Up

Its been a lovely Thanksgiving weekend here in the mile high city. First, I need to announce the healthy arrival of our bud's Mark & Abby's newest little man, Heath. He's now 6 days old and is already a little charmer.
Uncle Kyky arrived at 7:30am Thanksgiving morning, safe and sound. We rushed him and Tim off to play a game of flag football with the neighborhood men while dude and I played with the other children and wives at the park. I kinda wished I was playing football, but we'll lobby for a women's tourny next year. Dude then sang Joy Joy Down in my Heart for 2 hours in his crib while we waited to head over to Oma and Opa's house for our big feast.
And a feast it was! Thanks to our Denver family for hosting us and allowing us to destroy your home. Friday we hauled out the 4 bins of Christmas decorations and went to town on the house. It's tradition for me... you have to decorate the day after Thanksgiving. No working around it. It was a little odd jamming to "Winter Wonderland" with our 75 degree temps, but I'm not complaining.

I'll re-cap the remaining weekend festivities in another post. Oh yes, there's more. Never a dull moment round here.

"Who invited the under 30 year old to play?" Ky took charge of that game.

Mommas and kiddos hangin tight at the park.

Dude played in the trees for about 40 minutes. Don't know what he was doing, but he was happy. Happy dude = happy Momma.

2 sisters and their amazing Mom

Abby, Mark and new big bro Nolan.

1/4 of our Thanksgiving table

Big cousin Payton with baby Heath.

The biggest Turkey of the bunch.

Thanksgiving wouldn't be complete without the annual "Turkey game."


Cara S. said...

Yes, it WAS a good Thanksgiving. Glad you are a part of the celebration...