Nanna and Pappa are finally here after months of asking if TODAY is the day. When dude woke up yesterday, they were asleep in the guest room and the happiness has been overflowing ever since. We met Tim at work yesterday and went out to lunch and headed to the Children's Museum this morning (Nanna's favorite little people place to go). Dude has his very first soccer game tomorrow morning (a little anxious about this milestone, I must's hoping he doesn't kick someone in the nose or decide to run to the park mid-game). Both very likely.
The very first time Duder let me put him in a painting smock AND the very first time he allowed his dainty little hands to be dirtied by the paint. Notice the smile! We're getting places.
I'll briefly mention the fact that it's my dad's birthday tomorrow and won't mention which one it is (60) as he's not thrilled about the reality of it. So, we'll go out for lunch and us adults will head out for a fancy French dinner tomorrow night. I'll update this with some footage of the "soccer" game tomorrow. For now, enjoy some shots of our Nanna and Pappa time thus far.
Matching dude and his pappa (they're pointing to the little horses on their shirts, symbolizing the matching).
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