
The Latest from the Dude Vault

*Dude's sitting on my lap, playing with my long necklace.  It goes down my shirt.  He looks down there and says, "Mom.  Da necklace went down your hallway."    (Ladies, go ahead.  Look down your shirts.  Turns out, "Hallway" is a pretty accurate description.) 

*"Momma, when I get big I gonna be a race car driver.  Or a dolphin swimmer man.  Or a baseball slider."

*In church this past Sunday dude stands up and says, in his loudest voice, "I soooo hungry!"  Last week he interrupted the message twice talking about cars and M&Ms.  Every week, hands down, he's the one child that sprints down the aisle telling Mom and Dad that he's going to Tot Church!  That part is pretty darn cute.  It's the "not knowing what he's going to say next in front of the entire congregation" that freaks us out every week.  Stay tuned.  I'm sure something totally inappropriate involving poop, being naked or his peeps will eventually come out. 

*Tim and I are having an argument in the car.  Dude says, "Mommy, you are NOT being very nice to Daddy right?"  Argument concluded.

*Brady & Dude went to sleep in Brady's bunk beds this past weekend.  Through the monitor we hear:
"Rylany, dis is the best sleep over EVER!"
"Yeah.  You up dere and I down here.  You up the ladder and I down da ladder."
"Jingle bells jingle bells, jingle all da way.  Oh what fun....
"Rylany, please stop that singing."
"Rylany, I said, please stop that."
"Brady, you dere?  Here's your animal Brady!  Brady?  Brady?  BRADY!!!!!"
Tim then goes up and tells Dude that there will be no more talking.  Brady is sound alseep.  Eventually Dude falls asleep too.  The start of many sleepovers to come.  Bless their little hearts.  P.S. Wes and I were partners in Spades that night - we got along, high fived, laughed and we kicked bootaaay.  I just needed to document that.

Two peas in a pod, really.

The Bradster.

*Spotting Slugbugs (VW bugs) is a crazy fun game for dude.  He and Tim saw a green one with a license plate that read, "Frogfood."  Now whenever he sees a slugbug he'll say...."Slug Bug Yellow!  Duck food!  Slug Bug Blue!  Water food!" 

*Tim was washing the car in the driveway and Dude was watching from our bedroom window.  He talked to Daddy through the screen the entire time, singing, telling stories etc.  When Tim was done, he started the car and drove it around the block (part of his routine).  Dude runs to me all mad and say, "Oh man Mom!  Daddy went to work aGAIN!"