
Christmas Love Nombre Troi

Snow falling on Christmas Eve was magic.  Pure magic.  We came home around 9:00pm from Bruce and Barb's, sprinkled  reindeer food (granola and glitter) on the freshly covered driveway, set out a plate of cookies and a note for the man in red, read "The Night Before Christmas" and "The Nativity" books and nestled snug in bed.  
This is Christmas morning...Santa wrote a special note for Duder, telling him to say "please and thank you."  We always leave apple juice since Santa gets so much milk and probably gets a tummy ache from drinking so fast. 
Here are the remainder of Christmas shots.  Dude's big present from Santa and Nana and Papa was his telescope.  We were just glad ONE of the random and intangible items he asked Santa for was an actual object one can purchase.
Squirt was tickled pink with her hair clips and chap stick. 
How handsome is this little man?  Those eyes get me every time.
These four hooligans spent an afternoon at the cabin.
The Sheas came over for hot chocolate and cookies on Christmas Night.  Oh, and of course a trip to the dancing house. 
That wraps up Christmas 2012 over here.  Hope you and yours had a wonderful season.  Thank God during times like the ones we're living in that there was a baby born in the dead of night, sent to bring light and hope into a dark world.  Without the beacon of promise, where would we be?