
Before I go back to work...

Monday's work D Day and I'm making no promises on the consistency of this blog for the near future.  A new life rhythm will be defined in the coming weeks and it might not be too pretty.  Or it might be magical. Never-the-less, blogging is going to take a back seat until flow resumes.  SO, below is a random conglomeration of life happenings as of late.  We've had an awesome August and September.  Tons of exciting stuff happening round here.  The notorious respiratory bug hasn't hit (yet), Dude's 2nd grade teacher is a blessing and a half, Tim is having lots of racing fun, our Texas friends have come to visit, Squirt is a little charmer at pre-school, God is blessing my new path in a ridiculous amount of ways, our front yard looks WAY prettier with the addition of new landscape and I'll stop there so you don't get squeamish.  We're good.

 Snooze with our Amy.  Can't think of a happier place for our stomachs on a Friday morning.  

 Dinner at our old neighbors and friends's house, the Jones.  The Sheas came too, which was perfect.  It was SO good to spend time with these lovelies.  It reminded us that we need to do it more often.  We celebrated Abigail's 10th birthday that night.  Crazy that we've known the brown haired beauty since she was four.

Today, Dude spent 5 hours acting as a "Zoologist for a day" at the Denver Aquarium.  I learned about this rad program in a magazine ad but didn't believe it to be true.  It was.  For $50, he spent 5 hours being lead behind the scenes at the aquarium and learned about how to care for the animals.  He groomed a tortoise and a porcupine and was able to feed otters and pet the sting rays. AND they provided lunch in their famous restaurant AND have him this t-shirt.  He said he ate underneath huge fish watching his pizza.  We'll definitely do it again for a different program they offer.  Check it out if you live in Colorado!  

 First day of preschool exhaustion. 

 I'm not a fan of creepy crawlies, but this was quite beautiful.  I allowed him to continue living. 

 Our precious baby Hayes was blessed at a special ceremony at our friend's house last weekend.  He might be the cutest, smiliest, most charming little lad I've ever laid eyes on.  Minus my son, of course.  We're so blessed to call this family "our people."

 Randy gifted us with 4 tickets to the Food and Wine Show downtown when Amy and Paul were in town.  We went, we drank, we ate, we drank, we ate and came home bloated and unmotivated to do much of anything the remainder of the day.  Good times, good eats and even better drinks.  

 Tim's most happy Dad day of his life.  Dude entered his very first go kart (the real deal go karting).  He was the only one on the track, he put on his butterfly wings and conquered his fear.  He zipped around the track with perfect precision and improved his lap time each time around the track.  Tim was beaming inside and out.  They can't wait to go back and do it again.  And again.  And again.

 Our little Tai Kwondo boy.  Oh does this sport fit him to a capital T.  It has been astonishing to watch his progression in the past 4 months of twice weekly classes.  His coordination has improved, his stamina, his ability to follow directions, his hustle, his toughness....and he's having a blast.  We're believers!

 Family bike ride to a local park and stream.  I do adore this place we call home.  

Sir Enzo was given one day of "freedom."  We allowed him out of his crate when we left the house and gave him free reign of the laundry room and bathroom.  This is what we came home to.  This image is just one of two exit doors he gnawed through.  Little punk.  Guess who's back in his crate when we exit the house?

No reason.  Just had to share.  And while we're on the subject....

These all came to life between the hour of 6:30am-7:30am last Sunday morning.  

From our chaos to yours, peace out.