
Until Next Year, Kings Point

Joining a local pool near Dude's school this summer definitely made our "highlights" list.  The goal was to have a low stress place to go as a family that didn't involve crowded locker rooms, impersonal sharing of chlorinated water with a ton of strangers and long walks to pee. We hoped to meet new friends for the kids and gain hang out time for adults.  Check, check and double check.  The kids had a blast, upped their swimming abilities, Tim and I met a slew of rad adult friends and grew closer with existing friends and Tim got some quality volleyball time in.  Not to mention we found a home for Miss Squirt for Mondays moving forward.  It was a choice well made.  On Labor Day we spent five hours shutting down the summer season:(  Sad, but we can't wait for next summer.  I was convinced (didn't take much) to become Vice President of the pool for the next year.  Margarita meetings with 3 cool chicks through the year added to the appeal.



Trish said...

So looking forward to next summer!