
24 hours and 24 inches later

Really? It's not even Halloween yet and we're buried. In 24 inches of snow, with 5 more expected today. Last night measured 15 inches at our house and at least 8 fluffy inches graced us last night. Yesterday, as we drove to purchase a sled, dude said, "Holy shmokes Mommy! Holy Shmokes! Big snow! It's snowing on stop sign! Silly stop sign! Oh, I hear ice cream twuck!" I don't know. He always thinks he hears the ice cream truck.

Needless to say, I didn't go to my conference today and Tim did NOT make the blizzardy haul to Broomfield. It's a snow day of all snow days. And it's awesome. We're supposed to be in the upper 50's by Halloween with 60's next week. Whatever! We love our moody weather out here fo sho!

Our 8 year old patio set is always the gauge for how many inches have dropped.

Sledding down the Shea's driveway.

Dude wasn't digging the restriction of the gloves.

Sledding is definitely in the cards for dude's future fun.