
Expecting, minus the baby bump

2.5 years ago we adopted our dude. Best day ever. Best dude ever. After trying to get prego for the past few months, God has once again confirmed that pregnancy just isn't in the cards for us. Most days we're okay with that and on the days when we're not, the dude tends to bring us back to the okay camp.

Dude needs a play mate and we're feeling the itch to clean up projectile spit up again, so we're starting the adoption process again. We've been hesitant to blab it to the world because it's kinda scary and kinda tedious at the beginning. But we're getting to the "being excited about it" point and wanted to share it with our fam, friends and complete strangers. Read on to find out how we're going to accomplish that task.

Mile High Mamas is a website here in Denver that's a part of the Denver Post, dedicated to Mom bloggers. Thousands of them. I approached them with an idea and they bit. I'm now a regular guest blogger to the site with a new blog, dedicated to telling our adoption story. We're starting with the paperwork and will hopefully end with announcing a little bambino joining our family. A lot of people don't know what this process entails and don't know whether it's appropriate to ask and what to ask and when to ask. SO...this blog will open up our world of adoption for the world to follow.

Add it to your blog stalking list! I'll do most adoption related updates on that blog (http://www.expectingminusthebabybump.blogspot.com/) rather than this one. The blog post will link you to the Mile High Mama's site for this first post, but regular updates will be done in full on the blog itself. If you're a Denver mom, take some time with the MHM site. It's pretty rockin' for mommas in general.

On a final note, and this may sound a little weird, but if you know anyone who is pregnant and looking to make an adoption plan, keep us in mind. It's not uncommon in this arena to "market" yourself to those in your world. Referrals are great for jobs and, in our case, for babies too.


Sweet Home Colorado said...

Gwen, Tim, and Rylan...that's great! We can't wait to celebrate with you as you bring another adorable dude or dudette into the family! Going to check out the new blog now!

Cara S. said...

Neat new blog. It will be a cool way to document your second time through this crazy journey. We'll be with you along the way...