
Our Dude the Reader

Nanna was in town last week for an education conference and we were lucky enough to spend some snipits of time with her...swimming in the hotel pool, cheering on Cara's volleyball team, puzzle making and reading books (or rather, dude reading to Nanna as seen below). He has his "Going to Bed" book memorized...in dude language that is. Note, at the last page he finds a string on the page and needs to immediately dispose of it. Can't have any sort of mess in his presence. We miss you Nanna!


Anonymous said...

Rylan, It was just as fun listening to the book the second time around.

I love you,


Megan Foreman said...

So, so, so funny...since I also have that book memorized, I could follow along! Sigh, so young and so smart. Good job, dude:-)