
Love Day at Casa Vogel

Lucky for me, Tim and I have never been bit by the cupid arrow.  Valentines Day is pretty much your average day of the month at our house.  We might parooze the card aisle at Target or King Sooper and find something sarcastic and slightly naughty, but that sums it up.  This non-valentinesy tradition made this year's love day a grand ole day.  How did we spend it?  Well, let's see......

Squirt and I walked down to Starbucks and had a date with Delaney and Maria in the morn.  My coffeeish drink got cold as I focused on feeding Squirt's endless need for powdered milk.  Then my cellular rang and the screen announced that it was Dude's preschool.  That meant one of two things.  He puked or he did something super bad.  I answered with trembling hands and was told that.....

"Dude was having quite a rough morning.  He spit at library time and was asked to sit in the "thinking chair."  He very boldly told us that he did NOT want to think.  That got him in more trouble and he ended up in the hall having a tantrum on the floor.  Now, has he been lacking on sleep lately?  This is not like him to behave in this way."  I tried my hardest now to laugh and I came to the realization that I was so relieved that he wasn't puking that it didn't really bother me that he was kicking on the floor.  Better them than me is my new mentality.  

Dude came home from preschool and day care with a rather ridiculous amount of candy, little toys and valentines. Who were the jerks who gave nothing but a paper valentine? Yeah, that would be us. Who knew that all these parents would be bizerk over love day? I guess we know for next year. A simple monster truck valentine with Dude's name on it is not gonna cut it.

We ate in typical fashion...in shifts while one of us carried Squirt around the kitchen, football style, gave the kids much needed baths (one screamed the entire time, one did not) and I was in bed by 9:15. How's that for romance? Better luck next year babe. 

These last super fun shots are from our friend Hadley's first valentinesy b-day party.  They own a photo booth (Shutterbooth) company and set one up for the occasion.  Squirt's first photo booth experience was quite exhilarating.  Slept through the whole darn thing.  That wraps up love day over here.  Hope yours was just as memorable.


Sweet Home Colorado said...

Love the photo booth pics! So cute!

Maria said...

The gals are so cute together!