I'm happy to report that we have survived the zero degree temps our lovely Denver has offered as of late. Squirt is far too little and fragile to be carted around in a bear suite and 5 blankets on top of her, so we've hung tough. At home. For many many days. We're jumping for joy that it'll be in the 60s this weekend. Fresh, non-frozen air. It's a beautiful thing.
Today we kicked it in high hear, with the help of Nana (yeah Nana's here!) and visited the Aquarium. Duder sporadically gazed at each tank and ran more than he stood still while Nana lingered behind. She LOVES all this aquatic, so this was a perfect choice for our Friday morning outing. Squirt slept soundly in her stroller and thankfully didn't scream the whole way home out of hunger. I kinda forgot to pack a bottle. Mom of the year.
Squirt is doing fabulous. She has been on her very best and cutest behavior since Nana arrived last night. She did her her 7 hour stretch overnight! Yeeee Hawww! Although Dude lovingly made up for that by rising at 5:30am to greet the very dark morning (and his Nana). We're finally starting to really get to know this little 5 week old baby girl - her likes and dislikes. She dislikes being held like a baby. Likes being held like a football. Dislikes her passie when she's mad or hungry. Likes the passy when she's calmly falling asleep. Dislikes her brother forcefully kissing her noggin. Likes when he keeps his distance and makes cooing noises at her. Imagine that. Dislikes sleeping on her back. Likes sleeping on her tummy. Don't tell our pediatrician. Life has become much more routine as of late, which makes Tim and I happy campers.
End note...we have so many FANtastic Amy shots to share with all you lovely people, so I'm trying to post them in small doses. Here's our sampling for the day.
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