
Oh Sweet Nana Time

Nana, bless her heart, came out to Denver to oversee our Dude's 3 year old happenings while we were in Wyoming for Squirt's birth.  She was here for 9 days and did NOT get to meet her sweet granddaughter.  How sad is that?  Super sad.  Well, she finally met Squirt, face to face, this weekend.  And it was worth the wait.  Squirt was a smiley little dear for her Nana.  They bonded and Nana fell.in.love.  Dude definitely got his Nana fill too.  We were pleasantly surprised that he didn't act out at the fact that Nana shared her love and attention with Squirt.  He willingly handed her over for feedings and play time.

One of the highlights of the weekend?  Nana allowed (forced) Tim and me to go out to dinner on Saturday night.  8:45pm.  Just the two of us.  No kids.  No diapers.  No poop.  No whining.  That was a luxury - one that we needed in a big way.  Thank you Nana.  It's amazing what an hour of uninterrupted time can do for a marriage.

It's Monday night now and I'm trying not to think about how much Nana  fun we had.  It hurts my heart until the next time we get to visit.  Fortunately, we do pretty well with frequent visits.  Just wish it wasn't an airplane ride away.  Thanks for coming out and sharing in our new little fam Nana.  You're a blessing.  How's that for some Monday sap? 
Bonding time at the Aquarium.

Nana quite enjoyed paroozing Squirt's closet, in search of the cutest 5 week old outfits she could find.  We try to get her out of PJ's every day.  A girl needs to feel ready for the day, after all. 

Check out the sweater friends.  Cotton cuteness.