
Oh Lovely Days

This past looooong weekend was bliss here in the Mile High City.  Perfect hiking, biking, picnicking, swing set building, walk taking, grill out conditions.  So we took full advantage.  Saturday Tim busted his bootie on making our partially built swing set and fort less of a safety hazard, the kids frolicked around the yard, Riley came over to keep our children entertained and we ended the day picnicking with some of our lovely neighbor palios at Hudson Gardens. 

Sunday we ventured South (instead of West like we normally do) to a huge canyon near Castle Rock.  It was a relatively easy hike (meaning Dude only whined for the last 50 feet) and was a reminder of the beauty that surrounds us so close to home.  Squirt isn't exactly at a hiking age, but she stayed happyish in the backpack.  Sunday night we had friends over for pizza, totaling 7 little girls and Dude.  Some day he might object to the raging estrogen surrounding him, but he was cool with the company that night. 


He proceeded to hold this friendly caterpillar, which was a big feat for the Dude.  He doesn't trust insects generally speaking, so we've been working on incorporating the cute, fuzzy ones in first. 

The large boulders and water did NOT make for the best conditions for Squirt.  She has no fear, so these objects of nature posed threats everywhere she turned.  And she was NOT happy with being constrained. 

 This is actually a scream of frustration you're seeing on her face.  But looks like a cute smile huh?

 5 of the 7 lady friends, chowing on chocolaty goodness. 

Monday was cabin day. It was cool enough for a non sweat inducing hike but warm enough to be comfortable in a t-shirt. My perfect medium. And I'm a weather snob, so that's saying a whole lot. The kids LOVED every minute of the great mountainy outdoors. Squirt played with rocks and dirt, ran around chasing Sammy the dog, took a good nap, ate everything she could get her chubby hands on, charmed everyone around her and opened and closed the cabin door all day. Dude practiced T-ball, jumped around in Sue's pick up truck, played squirt guns, knocked down a dead tree with Dad, hung out on the swing set and meowed at Payton's new kitten.  I loved watching them so content with very few toys to keep them occupied. Just God's natural playground.

 My Dude.  Sure does love him a swing set.

 The water bin provided ammunition for the squirt guns and watery bliss for Squirt.

Sweet, sweet punky girl.

 The aforementioned tree that Dude and Dad knocked down.  See video above  for proof.

 The most darling



 We celebrated Cohen's 2nd birthday that day.  Payton had just had a bday too.

 After this hour long pick up truck play time, Dude changed his tune from wanting a bus to wanting a pick up truck.  Because "We can still pick up my friends in it.  They can sit in the back."

Uncle Bradley.  Quite the charmed.  She hauls out her most coy smile when he's around.