
Pop Rocks Baby!

My coworker, Kristina, is the very best at spoiling my kids with sugary goodness.  Every kid needs "that person" in their lives right?  She gifts Dude with green gummy bears (his favorite color) every time he pops into the office.  And just recently she introduced him to Pop Rocks.  Come on....when's the last time you opened a package of Pop Rocks?  I giggled along with my son as we let these slightly disturbing little morsels "explode our brains."  The fam went to a work-related event a couple weeks ago and Miss Kristina had 3 additional packages waiting for him. 

See below for footage that had me smiling this morning as I happened upon it.  This magical candy deemed my son speechless.  And we all know how often THAT happens.  Even Squirt was eating them out of my palm like a little horse.