
Our Drive to Music School

Last night's 7 MINUTE car ride to music school went a little something like this.....

"Mom, will my voice change get I get bigger?  Just like Symba in the Lion King?" 
"Yes love.  Boys voice are higher when they're younger and when you go through puberty, your voice will get lower, you'll grow hair on your face etc. etc."
"Mmmmm...well, why is Brady's voice low already and he's little like me?"  (If you don't know our buddy Brady, he has a baritone voice, unlike our squeaky Dude).
"Well bud, God makes us all different.  Brady has a different voice, but you can sing really high and THAT is super cool."
"Yeah, dat's pretty cool."  We'll see how that conversation goes when he's 15 and still has a soprano voice.

Next conversation....
"Mom, I can feel my heart beating in my stomach!" 
"That's good bud.  It's good to have a strong heart beat."
"But Mom, did you know that it breaks my heart when kids are mean to me?"
I about ran off the road I was clenching my own breaking heart so hard. 

Next conversation...
"Mom, how did Rea Rea come out of Brook's belly?"
Long pause...
"Hey bud!  Look at that cool bird out your window!"
"Oh yeah!  He's sooooo cute and black!" 
Hoo Haw conversation averted.

Next conversation.....
"When you die Mom, I'm going to marry Hannah and maybe Rea Rea too.  And then I will have kids and I will be Hannah's husband.  I would marry you, but you're already married and you're my family."
"Ya know bud, I don't have to die for all of that to happen."

At this point, we have pulled into music school and I laughed inside for the next 10 minutes at the realm of life topics we had just covered in our oh so short drive to music school.  I kind adore this kid of mine.