
Pickle Party

You'll have to excuse the mass postings. I'm trying to only post one or so per day. It's the holidays, so tons of happiness and blessings are taking place. And I feel the need to share. My parents have arrived and departed....extreme happiness and now extreme sadness. We'll get more into their visit soon, but if I'm to go in chronological order, we need to start with the Syers Christmas partayyyy.

We arrived at the Syers home Saturday night (the day after Pappa and Nanna's arrival) for food, festivities and the unveiling of their newly remodeled living room. Wes did most of it himself and really outdid himself this go around. Beautiful work friends. Impressed is putting it mildly. The party was fun too! Lots of food, festive drinky drinks and the traditional pickle hunt in the Christmas tree.

The new room. Used to have green carpet, popcorn ceilings, a white brick wall and fluorescent lighting. Not so much anymore!

The kids made a train to begin their pickle hunt -Dude thought this was quite entertaining.

The adults get to play their own round. Prego Kim won the bottle of wine.


Cara S. said...

Thanks for coming to the party and taking some pics...I didn't get a chance to take too many! It was great seeing your parents. Wish we could see them more (I know that you do to!).