
A Very Good Phone Call

My phone started buzzing yesterday afternoon and I moaned as I was forced to walk across the house to pick it up.  Oh how glad I was that I did...it was Brook and our case worker in Wyoming!  I haven't heard Brook's voice since we met her this summer, so this was a welcomed surprise.  She's quiet, but she told me that she's so ready for this baby to come.  I guess her belly looks like a huge basketball and that's really the only evidence of her being pregnant.  We talked about the hospital and delivery and she explained that she just wants things as simple as possible with only the birth dad in the delivery room.  I get it.  I told her that whatever she wants is great with us.  It is.  We don't want her to be more uncomfortable than she's already going to be. 

She told me that she plans on signing the paperwork right after she spends time with the baby after delivery, which in Wyoming, as soon as you sign, you lose all rights immediately.  I want her to take her time with the baby, as strange as that might sound.  We get a lifetime with her.  Brook isn't dilated yet, so that's good to know.  Tomorrow she'll be 36 weeks, which means they'll deliver her in her town and not have to worry about going to Salt Lake, where there's an ICU.  That's a big gigantic relief.  I explained how excited the Duder is to meet his "baby Sissy" and I guess she smiled and said that she's glad the baby will have a big brother to look out for her.  That melted me a bit.  Ok, a lot.       

We've spent this week packing.  Baby stuff.  And more baby stuff.  We had forgotten how much "crap" one little human requires.  There are piles of stuff and suitcases of clothes, blankets, diapers, bottles, detergent, dish soap (all the things we might need for up to a week at a hotel) in the guest room.  When the phone rings, we'll be all set to hop in the car and go.  I've been nesting to the max and Tim has been oh so patient with my frantic antics.  All our shopping is done, gifts are all wrapped and shipped out, nursery is done, arrangements for Dude are pretty much set, house is clean (for now), major work projects wrapped up, hotel arrangements in Wyoming are made....am I forgetting anything?  I feel pretty good about where we're at.  And Tim feels good since I feel good. 

That's all for today.  It was so comforting to hear Brook's voice.  And to allow her to hear mine too.  Connecting is a good thing and we sure hope that we'll remain connected down the road too.  I'll let you know if anything else earth shattering happens.....like, that we're driving to WY to get our baby girl.  Something like that maybe.        


Maria said...

So glad you got off your butt and got the phone!
We so can't wait to meet the newest member of the "hood"!!!