
Baby Update

We're here and one step closer to this teeny one.  We arrived last night around 6:00pm after a no frills trip.  The 45 mile per hour winds were the only highlight for the 5 hour trek.  Our hotel is super comfortable and will be a home away from home while we're here.  Brook checked into the hospital last night around 5:30 and they started her on the cervix thinning drug.  Her mom stayed with her last night and the counselor came in to talk with her and do some "birthing education."  Brook hasn't gone through any classes, so we're hoping that will help her today.  She's still on board with her plan and is very anxious to get through today.  We didn't go see her last night as she had a lot on her plate.  Instead we worked out at the hotel (seriously, when's the last time we worked out?) and pretended to sleep all night. 

This morning we got up and got ready, waiting for a call from Kolbi telling us what to do.  After 12 texts and messages from my kick ass friends and family (thank you everyone for being so incredibly awesome), we got the call.  Brook is still only 1 cm.  They started the patosin at 8:00am and expect it to be a long day for her.  For everyone.  We're heading to the hospital at 10:30 to get a tour of where we'll be etc. etc. and will probably go see Brook at that point.  Her mom, grandparents and sisters will wait with us in the waiting room.  I'm a bit anxious about that...kinda like being on display and being on our best behavior for everyone all day.  But we're excited to spend time with them and get photos for the baby.  Brook doesn't want anyone but the birth dad in the delivery room, so we'll just have to see how the day goes. 

It's kinda surreal that this day is here. People keep asking me how I'm feeling.  Honestly, I'm not feeling anything. I'm keeping myself busy so I don't have time to think.  I've tried so hard up to this point to not think further than the day I'm in, so that's kinda where I'm at.  Maybe it's a defense mechanism.  Maybe it's just the result of this being such a long process.  I have moments of excitement, which then turn into a whole lot of emotions that I'm not ready to allow in at this point.  I need to keep it together and so I'm trying not to feel yet.  Ask me how I feel when the baby's here, she's healthy and paperwork is signed.  I'm sure 7 months of emotions will start flowing at that point.  Watch out.

So....pray that she comes today.  Especially for Brook's sake.  We worry about her going through this so alone, which is by her choice.  He know how straining and anxiety filled this time has been for us and we can't imagine what this is like for her. 

Ok...time to pack up and head to the hospital friends.  Love you and thanks for following our journey.  We're on the homestretch!  Hard to believe.     


Sweet Home Colorado said...

I keep thinking about you and checking the blog and email for any updates! If I'm this anxious I can't imagine what you 2 must be feeling!!!! Praying for you!!!! Can't wait to hear your news! Love!